Interest Red

Thursday, May 05, 2005


[the ball of golden into later trip thru season say a mark or mount until you green your tree together. Green as feat or probable, as dying dads and moms litter little notes ordering inside order. That gold instant of sun kempt morning waits in loosing forth always treading in a dying moment guild. It takes a task to see it thru.]

Ernest Borgnine of the bluff full-featured beard, who grows lost in the destiny of the film script, is the everlasting contribution of father while a story. It means a lot that Vikings, personable as they sound, are photogenic, especially Kirk and Tony, to each his own.

And lo the tides and the marvelous ocean seemed like little square things that you read about in gentle books. Yet storming into somewhere pointed on the map are selfsame Vikings, the whole merrie crew, and they mean business. Box office business, enough to take your breath away. The steely dawn with red and blue streaks strikes up a picture of exactly its own thing. Suddenly the course is set. Suddenly Vikings storm from the credits into the picture of battle. It's the ramparts of current thinking, roughly around the logical thing rationed by governmental bodies (so strange). Crashing like wakefulness the Vikings try a few unsporting techniques and constantly constantly find reproval towards their every action. Pillage, rough stuff, intermarriage. Patterns exist. The people are in dismay. Tony Curtis looks a little rough and wild, for someone born of Brooklyn. Ah Brooklyn...

Walt Whitman woke a day and teemed with the rest. His city street goes to that one, in an intersticial networking availability. There's talk that poetry needs something more. There's talk that England's cultural bounty could be improved. There's talk that somebody needs to change the whole thing, for English teachers of the future... and Walt arrived.

Emily Dickinson arrived too, but that is a different story. How different, you must read another book. She lived in a place of distance from exactly the centre and trying to figure the best weight for weighty things in general. Thus Whitman, your own literature and crew.

Suddenly the effects were strained thru a few years and the work of many. Talk about important stuff! The legion who thrilled at the stark story of brother against brother, nation against nation, and a love that survived plot twists galore until the final scene but one (penultimate) wherein brother fights brother until brother is killed recognized as brother. And a damn good sinking feeling in the final shot of Viking ship aflame with the losing brother (not to give it away but: Kirk Douglas). And don't it all happen to make dramatic sense final? Yup.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Dictate your face. Hey, gave us that clue! Their excellent conveyance of space travel considerable went to us so cool. It told us some just landing our desert. We'd speechless if complete neurons. Misfire when last of talking? Your dictated face then mine. Almost across universes that have little but regency to let us know. We'd rest better after squeeze. Stiff arm all those left off the list. We lean something learning. The space saucering device spells special desert event. We're not radical enough to care outside the traditional norm. Furthermore the Vikings on the seacoast, looking rough and better off now. What empire really continues with the strong arm? Frightening to seize so much less now. A race to investigate skraeling.

The better sort of skraeling, said Fu Manchu, with which to fill the world with active presence. And tho complete enemies, tho each likes the balance they describe, Fu Manchu and Sir Denis Nayland-Smith, which see, each, bristles at the thought of of. Those who are tools, who will buy the long road excuse, conforming to the lug of intuit program. Yet too and furthermore, as staring at selfsame enemy, he of crazed laugh and aged visage and he other of grey temples and smoking pipe, see indeed maximums to reach for. Maximums, called empire, for the days that they shine.